Speed Stacks: StackPack – Tattoo
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Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks is one of the fastest growing new sports in the country. Stackers up stack and down stack 12 specially designed cups in specific patterns using the patented StackMat™ to measure and record their best times. The StackPack includes: 12 Stacking Cups Stack Mat “Stack It” Timer The STACKit Mat provides cushioning and just the right surface friction and stability. The STACKit Timer features precision timing to hundredths of a second and uses super sensitive touch-pads. The timer also hold and protects cups when they are not in use. The 12 Speed Stacks Competition Cups are specially designed for hands of all sizes. They are made of tough memory plastic to retain their shape and internal ribs for proper separation. They also have large center air hole vents for faster stacking. Speed Stacks are the only products approved for use in the WSSA sanctioned events and each cup carries the official WSSA seal of approval.
Sold by: Puzzle Master