Puzzle Booklet – Penrose’s Polyiamond


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These booklets are produced in Hungary by hand in limited editions; their contents are made of laser cut wood.

The object of Penrose’s Polyamond is to create the illustrated polygon from the polyamonds. Original design by Roger Penrose (Reference: Gardner, Martin – TIME TRAVEL AND OTHER MATHEMATICAL BEWILDERMENTS)

Cleverly designed with an attractively innovative book cover. Solution is included.

Made by Péter Gál.

ObjectCreate the illustrated polygon from the polyamonds.
DifficultyLevel 8 – Demanding
BrandPeter Gal
TypesTangram Puzzles, Roger Penrose, Peter Gál
Dimensions15 cm x 10.2 cm x 1 cm / 5.9 in x 4 in x 0.4 in
PackagingBook Cover